The district’s dress code is established to teach grooming and hygiene, to prevent disruptions, and to minimize safety hazards. Students and parents may determine a student’s personal dress and grooming standards provided that they comply with the expectation and requirement to dress in a neat and orderly fashion. The following guidelines are offered and subject to revision throughout the school year.
● Sleeveless shirts/blouses, tank tops, halters, see-through blouses, or tops with low neck lines are not permitted. All shirts/blouses must have sleeves, short or long. “Cold-shoulder” or “cut-out shoulder” shirts are allowed but must have a minimum of 2 inches of material from the neckline to the open shoulder.
● Midriffs and backs must not be exposed; tops must be long enough to tuck into pants when arms are raised.
● Jeggings and / or leggings may be worn, however, a top must be worn that is finger-tip length over them.
● Pants should not have excessive pockets, buckles, or straps down the pant leg. (Carpenter style is acceptable.)
● Shorts and skorts must be finger-tip length.
● Dresses and skirts must be finger-tip length. Exceptions will be made for extracurricular activities.
● Trench coats will not be allowed.
● Hair should be neat, clean, and well groomed. Students will not be allowed to wear unnatural hair colors such as purple, green, orange, etc.
● Extremes in make-up and face paint are not permitted. Black lipstick will not be allowed.
● Shirts shall be neat, clean, and buttoned except for the top button.
● Beards, mustaches and sideburns must be clean and well groomed.
● A single stud nose ring is allowed. No other visible body piercings will be permitted for any student, including tongue rings.
● Tattoos should be covered at school.
● Clothing which desecrates the flag; advertises narcotic, alcoholic, or tobacco products; or contains sexual references or innuendos is prohibited.
● Caps or hats are not allowed in the buildings. Caps should be worn in an appropriate manner. Hats/caps worn in the building are subject to being confiscated.
● Billfold chains are prohibited.
● No excessive makeup, jewelry, or accessories is allowed.
● Shoes must be worn at all times; no slippers.
● No pajamas or “pajama-like” pants and sleepwear are allowed.
● Sleeveless shirts/blouses, tank tops, halters, see-through blouses, or tops with low necklines are not permitted. All shirts/blouses must have sleeves, short or long. “Cold Shoulder” or “cut-out shoulder” shirts are allowed but must have a minimum of 2 inches of material from the neckline to the open shoulder.
● Midriffs and backs must not be exposed; tops must be long enough to tuck into pants when arms are raised.
● Jeans and other apparel should not be deliberately mutilated. Any holes that are above finger-tip length should be patched and jeans should be properly hemmed.
● Jeans or pants should fit and should be worn at the waist. They should not be wider than the foot cuff and should not be longer than the bottom of the heel.
● Inappropriate patches, pictures, symbols, writings, slogans, or quotes – either attached to or painted on clothing are not to be worn.